Breaking the silence; it’s about bloody time we had some period pride.
‘Aunt Flo is visiting’, 'I'm on', ‘the decorators are in’, ‘time of the month’… all idioms used in the UK to talk discreetly about a...

Our Christmas Newsletter
Dig Deep Ambassador’s Club We are delighted to have launched the Ambassador’s Club and Ambassador’s Wall in the past week. Our...

Online auction fundraiser - a great success!
Kate is one of our dedicated team leaders who is supporting her team of fundraisers all the way to the summit of Kilimanjaro in August...

My Maasai Cycle Challenge - by Bee Mocellin
In Mid-February I headed off to Kenya to take part in a charity bike ride across the infamous Maasai Mara for Dig Deep - a charity...

A Guide for Childreach fundraisers to Explaining Fundraising Ratios for our Challenge Events
Dig Deep is member of the Fundraising Regulator and takes our responsibility to uphold its guidelines very seriously. We are consulting...